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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Critical thinking is crucial

Thank you and amen, amen, amen for Laura Templeman’s excellent guest opinion in defense of facts (“A better world, one fact at a time,” Aug. 27).

There’s no greater requirement for the citizenry of a democracy than the ability to think critically. It’s important for voters to sort through the assertions of quality and look for the indicia of quality in the facts. This has to be done without searching out selected facts that support an prior opinion. Conclusions based on feelings and prejudices need to be set aside as the facts are weighed and lead to a truly reasonable and logically defensible decision.

I once saw a cartoon illustrating the dilemma of politicians. The candidate asks his staff, “Have you figured out how I can be on the right side of history (facts will win out over time) without being on the wrong side of now (feelings, prejudices, resentments drive voting).”

Thank you for this excellent guest opinion.

Brooks Sackett


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