Both candidates corrupt
The media seems to promote the opinion that as long as a candidate is not in trouble with the law, he or she is electable. But people don’t need to be in trouble with the law to be corrupt. To be corrupt, they simply need to repeatedly skirt the law. Both Clinton and Trump are clearly and significantly corrupt. This is proven weekly as their pasts are revealed.
Regardless of who is more corrupt or who may potentially do more good or harm to this country and world, ask yourself, aren’t you tired of these two characters? We are being asked to trust what they say when we already know they habitually disrespect the common sense that guides our laws.
But feeling trapped or forced to choose one of these two sad characters does not have to be part of the process if we give active voice to our disgust now, not later. If we don’t, we will have no right to say later that we deserve better. Logically, a vote for one candidate is not tallied as a vote of disapproval for both. It is tallied as a vote of approval for one. We need better choices, now.
Peter Neirinckx
Coeur d’Alene