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Protect voters’ rights

Voting rights are hard fought for rights given to all citizens of our country no matter their ethnic, gender or religious orientation, but there are now 14 states that have put in place voting restrictions, based on bogus voter fraud, that have prevented certain groups of voters from voting.

Now if you think this has nothing to do with you, you’d better ask yourself these questions: Do you have a child who is at college? Do you have a family member who doesn’t have a driver’s license because they don’t drive? Are you non-white? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you’d better pay attention because it can eventually affect you.

Stacking voting districts so a particular outcome will give the results you want is one way to attack voters’ rights, but eliminating the vote to the voter is a definite way to get the outcome that you want. Beware my fellow citizens, your vote may one day be in jeopardy because of the control exerted by a particular group.

Robin Wong


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