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Vote for I-732

As a board member of Spokane Audubon Society, I am writing this letter in support of I-732. The goal of I-732 is to help reduce the release of carbon into our atmosphere. The last three years we have set records world wide with increasing temperatures. 500-year floods have become almost common place. Wildfires are more common and more intense. Climate change has significant effects for humans and for birds as well.

When I started bird-watching in the late ‘60s, the impacts of DDT on birds, especially the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey, were devastating. By putting some reasonable regulations in effect we were able to bring these birds back. Now, these and other birds are being threatened again. By 2080 we could lose almost half of our species of birds.

While not perfect, I-732 would place a tax on carbon pollution and help us head in the right direction. By reducing the burning of fossil fuels and relying more on renewable sources of energy, we can slow the warming of our environment.

Help make Washington State a leader in reducing carbon levels in our environment. Vote for I-732.

Lindell Haggin


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