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Pakootas won’t forget roots

There has never been a more important election. The choice is clear and stark. The people of the 5th District have an opportunity to choose a representative that understands the people of the district.

Joe Pakootas is an intelligent and hard-working, well-educated and compassionate candidate. And a very successful businessman. He has already shown his care for the people. He has sponsored several drives to help people in need from victims of fire to children in need. He understands the people in our district and the deep needs that are present here.

There is a saying that no one should aspire to power who does not understand what it means to be broken. Joe Pakootas comes from a broken background and had and has the strength of character to overcome and rise above it all.

Because of this, he will never forget where he came from, nor will he ever forget who he represents. The needs of the people of the 5th District will always be foremost on his mind. He will not succumb to the siren song of special interests.

The 5th District deserves a representative that understands and will work tirelessly for everyone right here.

Margaret Munson


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