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Shea lacks integrity
Matt Shea, state representative from the 4th District, is in the news, once again. Another negative story of him trying to link the sheriff’s office with a double murder.
Shea is the same tea party, far-right-wing fellow who is reportedly connected to the Redoubt Movement. He showed up at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff supposedly to help those malcontent’s get their message out. It has also been reported in the past that Shea pulled a loaded gun during a road rage incident. There has also been reports of intimidation of a political opponent in the past.
Spokane Valley, is this the kind of representative you want speaking for you in Olympia? He certainly doesn’t speak for me. I would want a person of integrity, one who values all humans, one who respects our president and our form of government, one who sows hope for our future instead of fear-mongering and a weapons build-up.
We can do better than this. Please vote with integrity.
Valerie Carlton
Spokane Valley