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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Letters to the editor

NFL players out of line

The NFL needs to set and enforce rules for their players. Things are getting out of hand and need to be curtailed.

I have no idea what they are protesting.

How long do you think you would keep your job if you protested something while on your job? Yet these spoiled millionaire athletes get a free pass doing that.

It’s time these people who call themselves professional start showing some respect for this country that has given them all the opportunities and advantages they could never get elsewhere.

It’s also time for the owners and NFL to hold their employees to professional standards and for the news media to focus on the sport and not the individuals.

Joe A. Machala

Kettle Falls

Just for fun, switch WSU, GU

Here is a crazy idea. Just for one year, let Gonzaga University switch with Washington State University and play in the Pac-12. It would benefit both schools. WSU might have a chance to make the tournament and GU would be tested in a way it isn’t usually. We should do it just for fun.

Steven Lund

Long Beach, Calif.

Letters policy

We welcome letters of up to 200 words on all sports and outdoors topics. All letters are subject to editing. Writers are limited to one letter every 30 days. Please include your signature, street address and telephone number where you can be reached for verification.

Send to: Letters to the Sports Editor, The Spokesman-Review, 999 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201or email to sports@