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Public hearing on dams

Washington is home to three resident pods of killer whales that spend the summer feeding in Puget Sound. This year, they seem to be having trouble finding food, and whale advocates blame the dams on the lower Snake River for causing a decrease in fish supply. As pressure mounts to tear out the dams, there will be a public hearing held in Spokane on Nov. 14, from 4-7 p.m. at the historic Davenport Hotel.

Eastern Washingtonians have not had a chance to be heard on the issue. As multiple authorities, including NOAA, have studied the problem, they have concluded that taking out the dams will not affect the whales’ salmon supply. The Snake River does not empty into the Sound; rather, the Sound is fed by the Fraser River of British Columbia.

Contrary to the media hype, the fish supply from the Snake River is actually at record or near-record highs. In addition, tearing out the dams will have a devastating effect on farming along the river and will raise the risk of flooding in several local communities. If any readers believe in saving the dams, please take this opportunity to let your voice be heard.

Bethany Fletcher


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