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Suuport Mental Health Reform Act

An estimated 5,000 people are homeless in Spokane about any given time. This does not just apply to the chronically homeless. People are living in their cars, couch surfing, staying with friends or hotels. There are those who are fortunate to have resources available to them. But most people aren’t that fortunate.

The Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 speaks about the mental health crisis and to guarantee that mental health plans are successfully helping individuals with mental illness. The Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 is a bill about the mental health crisis and to guarantee that mental health plans are successfully helping individuals with mental illness by using evidence based and best practices.

By using block grants, it is aimed at improving coordination between federal agencies and departments that give services for people with mental illness as well as increase accountability and assessment of mental health programs. Increased access of care for veterans, homeless people, women and children are included, as well as training for caregivers. It promotes better enforcement of existing mental health parity laws. It is also time to end stigma around mental illness.

Rachel Richards


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