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The Slice: The Slice: It’s always the last place you look

Let’s check the Lost and Found.

“For at least one week, my husband and I had been looking for a small remote (2 inches x 3 inches) for the sound bar on our TV,” wrote Loris Michael. “It had disappeared one night, right off the table next to my husband’s chair. We searched and searched, even turning the recliner upside down and recovering two socks, a Snickers bar and a fingernail file.

“We could not find it so finally decided we would buy a universal remote. Before we had figured out the new remote, I decided I wanted a couple of chips to tide me over until dinner. The bag had been clipped shut and I opened the clip and stuck in my hand and came out with not only chips, but the lost remote.”

Slice answer: In the matter of getting a second opinion on a swimsuit you’re thinking of buying, The Slice heard from Karen Botker. “Yes, I ask for second, third and fourth opinions, and will go back numerous times to try on the same one to make sure I’m not showing the world anything that might scare them.”

Language arts: “Back in the ’60s, my saying was ‘Sperm of the moment,’ which I still have a hard time not saying,” wrote Cindy Matthews.

Today’s love story: “My wife of 50 years first came to my attention in eighth grade algebra class in Deer Park, Texas,” wrote Tom White. “Very cute and extremely smart (and very kind), she was probably responsible for my getting an A in the class. Well, I was hooked. We dated a while as sophomores when a handsome senior boy intervened (he had a car, no more riding a bus to school) and I was devastated. It could have ended there, but we remained friendly. You never know.

“One hot late August day – is that redundant? – I was in the driveway washing my dad’s car and this new little red Ford Falcon stopped in front of my house. Driving it was the very smart, very cute, very kind Cathy. She said ‘My mother just bought this new car, want to go for a ride?’

“We have been together since that day. That was in 1960. As the old song aptly observes, ‘If you love someone a lifetime is not enough.’ And that’s our story. I feel sorry for anyone who isn’t me.”

Today’s Slice question: Were you one of those who said, “We’re only going to be here for a year or two”?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Ever black out while changing a diaper?

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