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‘Something wicked this way comes’

“Something wicked this way comes”

The man with the loud voice,

made everything he shouted

seem right and important.

A lot of people had been

feeling less than, left out, unheard.

He said exactly what they wanted

to say but had never dared.

There were no consequences.

He told his crowds who was in,

who was out, who needed to go,

who was worthy, who was not.

When people got pushed,

it was “their” fault, those others

worthless, dragging down

the country best sent away.

The big voice boomed.

All the rules seemed bent

for the history he predicted.

Gatherings grew wilder.

The future was coming

straight at them,

down the tracks,

one white light

warning, a warning.

No one even looked up.

The speaker, a small man,

would put everything right.

He knew what they wanted.

Surely he would stop the train

just in the nick of


Barbara Baldwin


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