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Support food labeling

Do you read labels to know what you’re eating? I admit I don’t read labels as often as should, because I don’t know all the harmful things I should avoid. Another possible one is on the way.

GMOs – genetically modified organisms. I don’t know much about them because information isn’t easy to find. My congresswoman said they haven’t been proved to be harmful. That doesn’t mean they’ve been proved to be safe. I want know if they are in my food until it’s proved the food is still safe to eat after being altered by any genetic process.

The Senate is considering a bill called The DARK Act (H.R. 1599/S. 2609). It would prevent mandatory labeling of GMO food. Corporations would like that since they wouldn’t be required to label packages notifying us that there were GMOs in the food. It would make it hard for people to find out in case they want to avoid GMOs until they’re proven safe to eat.

Please call upon your senators, Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, to vote no on the DARK Act so we can know what we’re eating.

Jack Lloyd


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