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The Slice: Choose your lawn care anthem

Here are some real and imagined song titles that describe readers’ attitudes about lawn care.

“I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do).” – Diana Churchill

“You Won’t See Me.” – Mike Almond

“It’s the End of the World as We Mow It.” – Lewis Conard

“I Fought the Lawn and the Lawn Won.” – Tom Zysk

Slice answer: “The most unexpected and delightful thing about being a grandparent is the often over the top outbursts of affection,” wrote Sue Daiger Schell. “One of my favorite memories was a few years ago when our daughter and granddaughters (2 and 4) were arriving from Virginia on Alaska Airlines into Spokane. The little girls started waving on the escalator, and came racing through the doorway with arms outstreched, almost knocking over anyone in their way, yelling, ‘Grammy we’re here to see you and Bumpa!’ Of course, the fact that they were wearing WSU Cougar dresses was an added crowd pleaser as people laughed and clapped.”

You know what they say about a guy who can dance: “My 6-year-old grandson visited a senior center where he learned ballroom dancing,” wrote Christie Anderson. “There was no shortage of partners for him and he came home to tell his mom he got to dance with dozens of grown-up girls.”

Mood swings: Blake Ballard recalled a time not long ago when his wife noted aloud in a doctor’s waiting room that she turned 70 the next day.

“Another patient in the waiting area overheard her and said ‘You sure don’t look 70.’ This, of course, made my wife feel really good. However, not an hour later, while negotiating the the aisles at Wal-Mart in one of the store’s electric scooters, she was narrowly missed when a young girl, pushing her father’s cart met her at an aisle intersection. The father chastised the daughter for not being more careful. ‘Don’t worry,’ said the daughter. ‘I won’t run over the elderly.’”

The ego-boosting feeling Blake’s wife had gotten from the doctor’s office comment disappeared like a popped balloon.

Slice answer: Pat O’Doherty, who is “80 plus,” said the music she listens to makes her think about the past. “If I was to listen to music that made me think about the future, maybe I’d hear angels playing harps.”

Today’s Slice question: What’s the most laughably uninformed generalization about people who moved here from California?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email George Abelhanz once drove from Renton to Cle Elum for a hamburger.

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