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Research candidates

Every four years, the American people are faced with having to choose between the lessor of two or three or half a dozen evils. Does anyone take the time to research the backgrounds of the folks running for president?

While the prospects spend billions, throw childish barbs across the room, have shady histories, then offer zero solutions to any of the vital issues facing humanity today, what in this world are we thinking? Do they really think we’re all so foolish as to believe there will be any relief from the madness of endless war, poverty, no jobs and out-of-control debt that has been prevalent for decades?

This country deserves better than these narcissists. Perhaps our only hope is divine intervention, because if one of these folks gets in, expect more of the same as we watch this great country fall further into oligarchy. IMHO, they haven’t the public’s good will in mind. Only to perpetuate the status quo.

Since Citizens United and even before, our elections have been bought and paid for, simple as that. We’ve witnessed what the last one that promised us change has gotten us. Wake up and do some research.

Todd Horner


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