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Want chance for self-defense

So now the French are allowing the police to carry their weapons (guns) off duty. Terrorists are using knives to do their carnage. People in the Middle East are using bombs. Cars are also weapons. Poison is a threat.

The U.S. has a gun problem. I know, let’s round up the usual suspects and incarcerate them. Did we not do that in World War II? How did that work out? OK, let’s ban guns, knives, bombs, cars, poisons, etc., like we did with liquor in the Prohibition days. That made the bad guys rich, just like the gun ban or another ban would today.

I would rather have my chance to defend others and myself than fall victim to a crazed wacko. If people want illegal stuff, there will always be others to supply them. You can ban weapons or other things, but as long as we have basements and garages for production, we have factories for manufacturing. Even copy machines can be used for bad purposes.

You will always have people with evil intentions who will create a weapon to use for their agendas. The answer is written in the wind.

Bill Scheres

Loon Lake

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