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SPD doesn’t need outsider
I hope the police chief selection panel chosen by Mayor Condon to replace Spokane’s shamed previous chief will focus on potential candidates’ integrity, experience and proven accountability. The past couple of chiefs chosen by inadequate and deficient panels have failed miserably.
The only legitimate outside chief of Spokane was Terry Mangan. He had the attributes and vision to modernize the Spokane Police Department and understood our Northwest culture. Unfortunately, the powers that be continue to make bad chief choices in favor of choosing a candidate who is more committed to answering to Condon’s corrupt agenda.
The chosen candidate must be able to take into account the adverse impact previous outside chiefs have had when they attempted to ignore Spokane’s unique culture. I submit the only culture that needs to be examined is the one created by Condon, Theresa Sanders and Frank Straub.
The Spokane Police Department has been jerked around enough. The reoccurring problem in the past decade has been a lack of fundamental law enforcement leadership. That potential leadership can be found in the current rank and file of the department or from the Inland Northwest. Not some outsider.
Michael Yates, SPD, Sgt. retired