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Fix infrastructure first

This new development on 55th Avenue and Regal Street is the worst idea ever. The infrastructure on Regal is already overwhelmed most of the time. On Saturday, if there is activity at the soccer fields, the traffic backs up from Palouse to the post office on 55th.

However, this is just so typical of the way the city and county government operate. In their quest for big box tax dollars, they allow these developers to splash apartments and big box stores without any regard for infrastructure. Subsequently after this causes the traffic to snarl up, they will solicit the taxpayers for a bond issue to fix the very problem they allowed to happen.

Across from Target, another developer wants to put another big box development. Stop the madness. Before any new development proceeds, the city, county and Cyrus Vaughn must fix the infrastructure. To do less will surely be a disaster of epic proportions.

Gregory Hande


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