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Wilson can defeat CMR

Since George Nethercutt defeated Tom Foley in 1994, Eastern Washington has become a conservative stronghold. The political math for a Democrat running for Congress doesn’t add up to victory over Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

In 22 years, not one Democrat running for the U.S. House has been an office-holder. Why give up a safe seat for a race with nearly impossible odds?

I’m voting for Dave Wilson because an independent has a better chance of defeating Cathy McMorris Rodgers in November than does a Democrat. He will be able to unite voters from both parties with his common-sense appeal for bipartisanship, his commitment to campaign finance reform and his concern about deficits and the national debt.

Wilson founded and ran a successful business for over 30 years. He has the leadership ability and the right ideas to represent us in Washington, D.C. I encourage every voter to learn more about Dave Wilson, his pledge and his campaign.

Jeff Wendel


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