Reroute the trains
An oil train accident in downtown Spokane is certainly a possibility regardless of its probability. The Spokane City Council acknowledges that by considering a fine of $261 for every oil car coming through the city. That, I suppose, is to partially pay for the damage, lawsuits and hiked insurance rates for an accident. This is nonsense.
Fines preceding an accident will not prevent an accident that could well be a catastrophe. Spokane is particularly vulnerable as described in the July 19 article. The only solutions are to reroute the train or to bar oil trains altogether. I’m for baring oil trains on safety and environmental, global considerations.
We are always ranking safety considerations. That’s just an unfortunate reality. But this possibility ranks too high for the city council to play what seems like an absurd political quid pro quo regarding Spokane’s safety. Just say no to oil.
Lawrence Blakey