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The senseless, racially motivated violence and loss of life over the last year or so is threatening to divide this country once again and could possibly threaten our national security at a time when we really need to stand together in order to maintain our strength against global terror.

We have some big problems in this country in regards to equality. These problems did not happen overnight but over generation after generation of ignorance being passed down to our children. This problem can only be fixed by reverse engineering the way the problem got started, in the things we do and say to our children.

A message of equality can be just as strong as one of hate and intolerance. Yes black lives matter and so do white, red, yellow, brown and rainbow lives. It seems that our default setting is set to highlight our differences by groups instead of the default setting of human beings. Once we change this, we can begin to make progress towards equality for all human beings.

Darryl Sargent


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