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Wilson for bipartisanship

Our current 5th District representative is too focused on her political party and the demands of her outside contributors. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is a career politician — that is all she has ever done. It is time for a change to those who will work across party lines to serve their constituents and our country.

Any successful challenger to CMR must bring Democrats, Independents and disaffected Republicans together to defeat her. The Democrats had their chance in 2014, and again, they failed to defeat Cathy. As an Independent, Dave Wilson has a better chance to defeat Cathy in a general election.

Independent Dave Wilson will represent us in the broad political center and will build working relationships with other members of Congress. Dave is a people person — just ask anyone who has met him. (He remembers names and details about everyone he has met while ringing over 7,000 door bells and giving out over 70,000 brochures detailing his pledge.)

It is time to put Dave Wilson’s name up against CMR in the general election. Vote for Dave Wilson on August 2nd, and let’s finally get bipartisanship back, get our government working for us again, and get rid of a career politician.

Karen Larsen


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