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Consider Dr. Jill Stein

In the interest of promoting true democracy in this country, I am writing to ask that you include coverage and the voice of Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party in your newspaper.

The presumptive nominees of the Democratic and Republican parties are the most unpopular in history, and polls I have read indicate the American people are interested in other choices for president. Despite having a fraction of the money and media coverage available to the two-party monopoly, Dr. Stein’s message of a reasoned, values-based, progressive vision is reaching Americans.

These elections should be about choosing the best candidate, not a preordained winner, the one with the best connections or most money, and voters need honest information to make the best choice. The Green Party doesn’t accept money from corporations or super PACs, because it believes politicians should not be beholden to big money special interests.

Dr. Stein’s presidential campaign is working hard to get on the ballot in all 50 states and give dissatisfied voters another choice in November. Her campaign offers voters an alternative to the status quo.

William Frenger


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