Painful awakening for voters
Trump bellows through the bullhorn the media has gladly given him (covering his irrational rants has been lucrative) that he lost the popular vote because the election was “rigged.” As Dana Milbank revealed in his Dec. 1 column (“Voter suppression the real scandal”), millions of votes weren’t cast because of new voting restrictions.
This voter suppression is only in certain states with Republican-controlled legislatures. Investigative journalist Greg Palast pointed this out earlier in his book and film “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.” This fraud was facilitated by the majority of the Supreme Court (all appointed by Republican presidents) that functions like a branch of the Republican Party, with their Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions that opened the campaign finance floodgates to corporations and wealthy donors and rescinding Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which required states to get federal approval to change voter laws.
Trump voters are in for a painful awakening. As Trump’s Cabinet appointments clearly indicate, “making America great again” does not include them.
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