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Columnists become favorites

Several of your columnists have become favorites. Leonard Pitts brings a point of view based on experiences I have never had. Despite having had friends and co-workers of different races, ethnicities and religions over the years, I know that I can’t truly imagine the prejudice, bias, hatred and blame many of them have experienced, and Pitts helps me understand.

Robert Samuelson’s writing on economics is easy to read and sheds light on issues that affect all of us in ways we might not understand. He is measured and shares differing points of view held by other economists. Every column is thought-provoking. Likewise, Kathleen Parker provokes thought, and sometimes a laugh, as she examines the political process.

What these three have in common is good writing and factual evidence to substantiate their opinions. In a world where facts seem to matter so little to so many, this is truly valuable.

A fourth columnist, Charles Krauthammer, often provokes irritation, but I try to understand his point of view. In a lifetime of valuing learning, I have come to believe that learning to understand other points of view is one of the most important tasks we have. Thanks for the help.

Kay Johnson


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The Spokesman-Review
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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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