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Repeal of ACA stinks

Now that the presidency and government are in Republican hands, they confirmed their No. 1 priority from day one is the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.

Nancy Pelosi became the poster child of stupidity and ridicule (and rightly so) when, regarding the passing of the ACA, she pronounced, “You have to pass it to know what’s in it.” It was brilliantly compared to a stool sample.

Given this hindsight “stupidity” lesson, I would categorize the Republican repeal of it colossally stupid - indeed, insane. They openly admit they have no cure or alternative option. Following Pelosi’s statement, you would think “let’s kill it, then find a cure” would at least alert one brain cell to reconsider such a move. As deficient and cumbersome the ACA is, at least it is functioning and kicking. Are we still a sane nation or has vindictiveness turned off our lights?

At least, a stool sample, as stinky as it sounds, did not kill anyone. This one stinks and kills.

Phil Zammit


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