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Beware smart meters

Uncle Ralph H. Goold was at his duty station in Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Vestal on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, when a torpedo slid under his ship and slammed into the USS Arizona. He survived and the rest is history. My uncle, now deceased, served to ensure freedom for future generations, but that freedom is under direct threat with roll out of the smart grid.

Here is the reason I raise the alarm. A former CIA director, Gen. David Petraeus, publicly bragged that he would spy on Americans through our dishwashers. This laughable, yet incredible reality begins with “deployment” of the smart utility meter, the first step to the ultimate spy system already in many homes in Washington, and coming soon to all. Yes, it is coming to your home.

I urgently ask my Eastern Washington neighbors to stand up to this corporate/state threat to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and Article 1, Section 7 of the Washington Constitution.

It is easy, as the first step is to become fully informed and engaged. This can begin with a simple internet search of key words and phrases. Google “smart meters” and “smart meter fires.”

Ralph Burgess

Springdale, Washington

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