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Media should be vigilant

A letter writer on Nov. 21 insisted it’s time for the media to “get behind Trump.” Nonsense.

It’s the media’s responsibility to be vigilant, accurate and as comprehensive as possible. Fact-checking and correcting the record for this new administration requires constant vigilance and hard core, old-school reporting.

Trump-Pence won less than 25 percent of voter-eligible Americans. Nearly half of all registered voters didn’t vote. Of those who did, a majority (by approximately 2.5 million voters) chose his opponent. No mandate there.

Given the global reach of his businesses, the opportunities for conflict of interest abound. I want media scrutiny of every international relationship of this international real estate developer turned president-elect. Without an aggressive, vigilant media we are in for the most corrupt government in our lifetimes.

We voters don’t need a subservient press. It’s not about fair and balanced. Fox News is not “the media.” It’s about real, accurate and comprehensive reporting. If the Fourth Estate wants to preserve its vital role in our democracy, Trump and his family will just have to get used to real media scrutiny for a change.

James Wavada


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