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Pastor is selective

Would Pastor Jan Shannon of Westminster UCC help me to understand a few things in regards to her views that selfishness and sin won on Election Day (“We wait in hope,” Nov. 12)? Why is it that only Trump voters, and not Clinton, Johnson or Stein voters, only care about themselves and their agenda? Doesn’t the Bible teach us that all are sinners and fall short of the glory of God? If the election of Donald Trump was an example of the worst of humanity’s treatment of one another, where do the Holocaust, Pol Pot murders, Stalin’s purges and ISIS’s treatment of Christians fall on that spectrum?

If the Bible teaches us that in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor master, male nor female, do you mean to imply that there is an exception for voters for Clinton voters vs. voters for Trump? Put another way, if a brother and sister in Christ told you they voted for Trump, would you welcome them into the Westminster UCC?

Isaac Andrews


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