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The Slice: How to make your special day really memorable

If today is your birthday …

Contact The Slice, convince me you are telling the truth, and I will send you a coveted reporter’s notebook.

Let’s move on.

Just wondering: The surest sign that a guy is stretching the truth about his football career is …

Today’s holiday creep trifecta: 1. Claiming that the candy you buy this week is for Halloween is really pretty funny.

2. This Thanksgiving’s dinner table political arguments could make it a holiday for the ages.

3. Christmas is on a Sunday this year. Let heaven and nature sing.

East/West and the great divides: “In my youth, it was ‘East of the mountains’ when we lived in Grays Harbor County,” wrote Charles Kerr of Spokane. “And then, ‘Over on the coast’ when we lived in Omak.”

Rick Straub remembers when he was growing up and his family drove to Seattle, his parents would refer to it as “going to the coast.”

“I know friends and family still say it that way even though it is at least a good 100 miles further to the coast. Moving over there, I quickly learned what going to the coast meant. Perhaps we could refer to the Seattle area as ‘on the way to the coast.’ ”

Nancy Chevigny-Dahlke grew up, as she put it, a little west of Hillyard proper. She is a proud Rogers High graduate.

“Whenever I thought about the West Side, I was thinking of those who went to Shadle. Go Pirates!

And David Townsend shared this. “When you consider the shape of Idaho, the entirety of North Idaho could be considered the ‘West Side.’ ”

Back to this again: “I have recently recovered from a sciatica episode that was caused by simply trying to disconnect/separate a couple of shopping carts at Costco,” wrote Chris Bishop of Blanchard, Idaho. “I gave them a good tug and the pain was instant. How can such a simple movement cause a week of agony?”

I’m not sure Chris, but I suspect medical specialists would advise you to not do it again.

Nuptial notes: “I attended a wedding where the bride and groom walked in to ‘Another One Bites the Dust,’ ” wrote Rene Von Steuben. “That marriage lasted about five months.”

Which is about four months longer than some might have guessed.

Today’s Slice question: Do you have a recurring dream or nightmare that you remember when you wake up?

(And can you describe it in less than 500,000 words?)

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email In what room of your home are fumbles a problem?

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