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Vote for Trump

So your candidate for president in the Republican primary didn’t win. Neither did either of my first two choices. I will vote for Trump, though, because a Hillary presidency would be a continuation of the Obama disaster. Trump is now the “quarterback” of my team, and whether or not he “meets my standards” or I like him is irrelevant. Those team members who sit out the Super Bowl will betray their responsibilities to participate.

That’s what happened to Romney in the 2012 election. Some so-called Republicans sat at home in a selfish fit of sanctimonious self-righteousness and hypocritical elitism. As a consequence, Romney lost, and they brazenly blamed him for it. And America lost even worse, suffering another four years of Obama’s inept, feckless and destructive presidency. So congratulations on betraying your responsibilities and your country.

Are you going to do it again, knowing the catastrophic consequences of a Hillary presidency? If you pitch another petulant, pathetic pity party of petty pouting like puerile 5-year-olds who didn’t get their way, you sulk.

So get off your lazy assumptions about who’s a real Republican and do what’s best for our country, not your egos: Vote for Trump.

Bob Strong


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