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Hillary bashing suspect

In his letter to the editor, Jim Barbieri says that one can watch the movie “Hillary’s America” to “see how the Democrats promoted slavery, segregation, [and] the KKK …”

First of all, the man behind the book and the movie, Dinesh D’Souza, was indicted on charges of making illegal contributions to a 2012 United States Senate campaign (a felony) and pleaded guilty on May 20, 2014, to one charge of making another illegal political campaign donation. Can he be believed?

Secondly, the full title of the movie is “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.” There is no secret. The Democratic Party was indeed the party of slave owners, supporters of the KKK and segregation. The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln. Those who opposed Lincoln were Democrats.

This all changed with the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965), which were signed into law by the Democratic President Lyndon Johnson. With the signing of this legislation, southern Democrats turned to the Republican Party, which actively recruited them.

A vote for Hillary does not mean we will lose America. A vote for Hillary and Democrats makes these acts available for all.

B.J. Krafft


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