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Support Vancouver Energy

I am a long-time resident of the Inland Northwest. I support the Vancouver Energy project.

Critics of any oil-by-rail terminal have not proposed any realistic alternatives. Critics ignore the fact that crude oil is necessary for transportation and for the production of goods everyone uses every day.

Even with federal and state tax incentives, few cars in Washington State are electric. That’s because cost, infrastructure and travel distances remain real barriers to electric cars becoming practical. In fact, automotive experts predict that widespread availability of affordable electric cars won’t happen until 2040.

In the meantime, supporting projects such as Vancouver Energy is a wise and prudent choice that benefits our state and consumers. The project is expected to bring $2 billion in positive economic impact to Washington. It will generate hundreds of family-wage jobs and ensure a reliable supply of crude to West Coast refineries for years.

It’s not often that our state is given the opportunity to host a project that would have such a positive economic impact for Washington. It would be a shame to reject the Vancouver Energy project when there’s no equally beneficial project on the horizon.

Jerry Boyd


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