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Vote for middle class

The current U.S. federal government’s budget stands over $4 trillion. The federal government’s national debt is over $19 trillion. Yet, both the Republican and Democratic conventions gave short brevity to both of the above subjects.

In my opinion, no matter whether Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton becomes president or Democrats or Republicans control the legislative branches, in 2024, after two terms in office, the federal government’s budget will exceed $6 trillion and the federal debt will exceed $24 trillion. Neither party will deal with the above problems.

Both of the above parties have enacted trade policies that have crippled the middle class by allowing over 60,000 manufacturing plants to be closed in the U.S. and transferred to foreign countries. Both parties passed legislation whereas very rich people have income tax rates at 15%, while wage earners are almost double that rate. Both parties deregulated the financial industries that caused a financial collapse and a major economic recession starting in 2008.

There is a political party that will work for the benefit of the middle class and that is the Libertarian Party, with Gary Johnson being its presidential candidate.

Mark Johnson

Nine Mile Falls

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