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The Slice: Keeping up with current events
Diana Witherspoon shared this.
“Sitting at the Indians game tonight and the young man behind us asked his female companion if she was watching the meteor shower tonight. She replied, ‘Is that like downtown or something?’ ”
Let’s move on.
She’s happy to help: “If you say ‘Mos-cow’ I know you’re not from around here,” wrote Sandy Tarbox. “I feel justified in correcting everyone and expect to be thanked for it. It’s ‘Mosco.’ You’re welcome.”
Look – up in the air!: “One day when I was 4 years old I was playing on the deck outside of my parents’ bedroom on the second floor of our house,” wrote Alana Kaplan. “My sister Alice, who was 5 years old, came out on the deck a little while later with a red cape on. She said she had just gotten back from flying up to St. Mary’s, which was our parish church a few blocks away. She then asked me if I would like to try on the cape and fly somewhere. Well, of course I did!
“I put the cape on and climbed over the railing, put my arms up in the air like Superman and jumped.”
She broke her leg in the fall.
“But to this day, almost 70 years later, Alice can still get me to believe the most outrageous things. Why wouldn’t I believe her? She’s my big sister.”
Drawbacks to hanging clothes outside to dry: When Joanne Lindley was growing up on the farm, the clothesline was between the outhouse and the chicken house. Once a roaming cow ate the untied bow off her favorite blouse. “I wasn’t happy.”
Would that count as organic feed?
Slice answer: Shortest elapsed time between starting work and being laid off?
“I’ve got the hands-down winner,” wrote James Dodds.
Years ago, James landed a big contract that would allow him to hire employees and make some real money. One of his three hires was an old friend who lived over in the Seattle area.
Just before the old friend reported for duty here, James got word that the big contract was no more. He was breaking the bad news to the others when his old friend arrived. “He had gotten about four steps past the door when I said, ‘Welcome back to Spokane! You’re fired!’”
They remained friends, got better jobs and lived happily ever after.
Today’s Slice question: Do real estate agents have to watch people at open houses to make sure they don’t try to steal stuff?
Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Everything Bev Gibb knows about opera, she learned from Bugs Bunny.