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Single-payer the goal

Why, you ask, would anyone want a program with such great intentions and noble goals to fail? Sadly the answer is obvious. Single-payer health care was always the goal of Obamacare. As premiums increase and choices decrease and people clamor for a solution. Here’s what the playbook says will happen.

Nancy Pelosi will stand up on the steps of the Capitol surrounded by her entire caucus and as many of the most pathetic examples of “the poor downtrodden masses” they can manufacture and she will say: “We tried so hard to make this work through free enterprise, but the greedy insurance companies and their evil Republican lackeys wanted it to fail. Reluctantly the only solution is a single-payer system.”

There will be thunderous applause. The cameras will focus on a little old lady in a wheelchair who is heard to say through her tears: “Bless you, Nancy.” Pundits will praise her farsightedness and the remainder of the health system will sink into the bureaucratic wilderness, and Democrats will be praised for their lofty and noble intentions regardless of their abysmal record of results.

So dies the Republic in a flurry of good intentions.

Jerry Paulin


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