Man dead, girl injured in crash near St. Maries

A 25-year-old man was killed and his daughter injured Sunday night in a crash near St. Maries.
Justin L. Simmons was behind the wheel of a Toyota pickup traveling south on state Highway 3. At about 10:40 p.m. he failed to negotiate a curve, veered off the road and struck a tree, the Idaho State Patrol said in news release.
Simmons was pronounced dead at the scene. The ISP said he wasn’t wearing a seat belt.
His 4-year-old daughter was buckled in the back seat, according to family members. The ISP said she was taken to Benewah Community Hospital with injuries from the crash. Simmons’ brother, Patrick Simmons, said she is expected to make a full recovery.
Patrick Simmons said the family had been at their mother’s house in St. Maries. Justin Simmons left to take his daughter to her mother’s house, as he does twice each day, his brother said.
“We were with him not even an hour, 45 minutes before that happened,” Patrick Simmons said. “He knows those roads like the back of his hand.”
Their mother, Patricia Calley-Simmons, said it was unlike Justin Simmons to lose control of a vehicle.
“He was the best father to his daughter,” she said. “He was responsible and would never hurt anyone.”