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Council should do homework

In the Spokesman’s July 26 article about the city council approving a ballot initiative to impose a $261 fine for each rail car of crude oil or uncovered coal passing through Spokane, it was stated that Councilwoman Karen Stratton said she expected a legal challenge to the ordinance and urged voters to “do their homework.”

No, councilwoman, I believe the responsibility for deciding whether or not to move forward with this ordinance rests solely with the members of the city council, whom we elected to “do their homework” and make informed decisions about what is in the best interests of Spokane and the citizens they represent.

We voters do not have access to all the studies, history, laws and regulations related to this issue, nor do we have any idea what the ramifications of passing such an ordinance might be. Without access to all that information, voters cannot possibly be expected to make any kind of informed decision on the matter, one way or the other.

Michael Adams


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