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Political revolution is necessary

What is becoming evident in this election cycle is the amount of maneuvering a political party and their supporters will resort to in an effort to maintain power.

One side wants to “Stop Trump,” while the other side attempts to disparage a popular candidate for not being one of them. Make no mistake that this is a concentrated effort not only by the party members but also by pundits and members of the corporate media on both sides.

Meanwhile, the number of voters that identify with neither party now outnumber those that identify with either the Republican or Democratic party. What this might tell us is that the need to maintain power outweighs all other consideration in this current political atmosphere. The disenfranchisement that currently pervades the electoral process will only continue to grow mainly due to the fact that the two-party system no longer represents distinct ideological choices.

Both parties operate only to maintain political power unable to address what is in the best interest of the country. A political revolution is necessary if only to address an electoral process that is outmoded and no longer serves the voting public.

Joel VanLuven


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