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Huckleberries: Longtime county clerk clear on marriage license row

Dan English has more interest than most in the stand taken by Kentucky’s Kim Davis. Davis, of course, is the county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. English, as many of you know, was a multiterm county clerk in ruby-red Kootenai County until that “D” after his name caught up with him. English describes himself as a Christian and a Democrat, as Davis does. Unlike Davis, however, he would have no problem issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple. English told Huckleberries Online ( blogs/hbo) readers: “I would uphold my oath of office. If I couldn’t do that, my ethics and personal moral compass would require me to resign. I could respect someone who held that position but was also willing to pay the personal price to resign. Maybe they do things differently in Kentucky.”

Bear in the ’hood

Perhaps you would have snapped a cellphone photo for your Facebook page. But Cathleen Ryan of King Street in Wallace reacted differently when a black bear wandered into her yard. Br’er Bear was 10 feet away when Cathleen spotted it. Cathleen says she was too busy dialing 911 to get a photo. And: “I shrieked a lot.” And: “It had the cutest little ears.” And, finally: “Yes, totally peed myself.” Don’t judge … Huckleberries generally doesn’t support fisticuffs. But there are times when a punch can be justified. Take the incident in downtown Coeur d’Alene when a friend sucker-punched his buddy. Twice. In the face. Seems the punchee slept with the puncher’s girlfriend. Ah, make that the puncher’s ex-girlfriend … In Coeur d’Alene, repentant 20-something Jason Fries has received widespread social media ridicule for that sticker on his vehicle showing Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes peeing on fallen Coeur d’Alene police Sgt. Greg Moore’s badge No. 27. In response to the story, a Huckleberries wag offered a list of “Stupid Things That Seemed Good at the Time,” including: “Seahawks pass play” at the 1-yard line in last year’s Super Bowl.


Poet’s Corner: “The yellow bus,/the dipping sun,/the acorns fall –/this summer’s done” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue … Quotable Quote: “I really appreciate the tourism that keeps CdA (and my job) economically viable in the 21st century. But man is it nice when the off-season starts to arrive and I can take a midday walk around Tubbs and have some peace and quiet” – Jadd Davis, artistic director for the Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre (aka Lord Farquaad in “Shrek”) … On a walk around Coeur d’Alene recently, blog commenter Walkabout saw a bat hanging from the wall of Washington Trust Bank at Second Street and Lakeside Avenue and a raccoon in a tree in the historic Fort Grounds area. Meanwhile, most of the wildlife that had inhabited the Coeur d’Alene waterfront and downtown for the summer has migrated back to school or work … Among the stands taken by the Kootenai County Republicans recently: Syrian refugee relocation (against), reading Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence in schools and other public places (for), and defunding Planned Parenthood (for) … Reacting to Derrick Oliver’s T-shirt slogan, “Spokane doesn’t suck,” a Huckleberries blog commenter described Spokane “as Ritzville on weak steroids.”

Parting shot

Many in Post Falls are scratching their heads over the decision by respected former Mayor Clay Larkin to return from retirement to seek the council seat now held by Joe Malloy. Larkin should have sought the open seat being vacated by Councilman Skip Hissong, they say. Even detractors admit conservative Malloy, the youngest member on the council, is a hard worker and responsive to citizen questions. Insiders tell Huckleberries that Larkin may have overestimated his support – and underestimated Malloy’s. Stay tuned.

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