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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane school board approves increases to lunch prices and other budget shifts

The Spokane Public Schools board unanimously approved an amended budget that will increase school lunch prices and the cost of after-school care.

The budget puts a dual language program and the Odyssey program expansion on the list of programs to fund if money becomes available. The changes, approved Wednesday, reallocates $5.6 million in the $369 million budget, after pay raises were negotiated between the district and the Spokane Education Association in September.

Funds may become available later this year when the districts’ enrollment numbers become final. At that time the district will know if they need to hire more staff.

The amended budget will increase meal prices by 10 cents and after-school care will increase 5 percent. Meal prices will not increase for students on free and reduced lunch plans.

Former Spokane Public Schools board candidate Donald Dover addressed the board. He urged them not to raise prices.

“Including these fee increases seems to be a thinly veiled attempt to pit teachers against parents,” he said.

Board members Susan Chapin and Rocky Treppiedi moved to postpone the vote on the budget; however, their motion was defeated 3-2. They were both concerned with cuts to curriculum implementation.