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List the acceptable words
Is it really the intent of the Spokane City Council to pick and choose which words will be acceptable within its chambers? Have you posted this vocabulary list? I can understand the council’s wish for orderly and respectful behavior from those addressing the council, but I cannot accept this governing body censoring the right of free speech.
I presume we have adults serving on the council; adults serving who can discern the meanings of words, use of phrases and intent of the guest speaker. By law, there are seven dirty words whose repeated use before minor children can be cause for punishment. “Hookerville” is not on that list.
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas, a strong First Amendment advocate, found favor with “offensive” terms that “invite dispute” or induced a “condition of unrest” to “create dissatisfaction with conditions as they are.”
The First Amendment was not fashioned to dispense sedatives to the people, but to keep debate open to offensive as well as staid people. Problems arise as governments define for the people what garbage offends any selected politician. As a civilian, I find most politicians untrustworthy and their campaign promises garbage and offensive.
Kit Heston