Lakeland has addressed issues
Darci Ladwig wrote (March 19) that Lakeland Village should be closed due to issues found by state auditors (federal auditors also were involved). Certain community advocates are always willing to deny the rights of developmentally disabled people who want and qualify for institutional services.
In its Olmstead decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that a percentage of developmentally disabled people would require institutional services, on either a permanent or temporary basis. We who support Lakeland Village, on the other hand, strongly believe in choice.
Those who prefer a community environment should have such. Those who desire a Lakeland Village environment should have such.
The people living at Lakeland Village, their parents and guardians are very pleased with the services provided. They know it is a safe environment that offers opportunities for skill development, social growth and community experiences. They know the Lakeland Village staff are highly trained and very dedicated to those who live there.
The Lakeland Village staff have successfully addressed the issues found by the state and federal auditors. There will be no termination of funding for Lakeland Village’s nursing facility. We congratulate the staff for their determination to provide quality services.
Duwane Huffaker
Vice president, Lakeland Village Associates