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Zoned out of review

Regarding the article “Commissioners rethink Mead complex” (Jan. 18): The article states “rejecting the zoning change would cast doubt on the regulations” and “the standard for the approval of a zoning change should be the law, not public opinion.”

I must ask, then: “Why is public comment a part of the process if, in fact, all of our concerns are not weighed as part of the approval/disapproval process?” The Gleneden neighborhood is a well-established residential area.

What about our desire and right to maintain the integrity of the area we chose to live in? Concerns about a 200-car increase in traffic on Wandermere Road during rush hour, the impact on the school district, removal of most of the trees that buffer the residential area from U.S. 395.

If our “regulations” don’t consider these issues, I vote that the regulations be revisited. I also find it interesting that rethinking the zoning comes after the election of our commissioners.

Claudia Bjorklund


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