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Suicide traumatic for workers

The Spokesman-Review Jan. 18 article regarding the recent suicide of a teenager brings sorrow for the family/friends of this precious girl. There are no answers, no trite words, just the grasping for reasons while in the depths of grief.

There’s another side to this horrific story: the side of the two innocent, horrified people bringing that freight train to its destination. Those men and women were doing an already difficult job. But writer Jody Lawrence-Turner may not have considered them.

What a complete horror; to be at the helm with no ability to stop, yet knowing what is ahead. No one can possibly know the depths of their feelings regarding this tragedy, other than another railroader who’s been in a similar situation.

My objection to the otherwise well-written article is its subtitle. While it may appear to the public that this person was “killed by a train,” it would be honest and empathetic for these trainmen to read that they did not kill her: They witnessed her suicide, with no possible means to prevent it. They did not kill her.

My heart goes out to them. May they know that we know they did not do this.

Kathy Dompier


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