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Lynch outlines AG stance

Nominee opposes pot, says immigration action is sound

Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch testifies Wednesday on Capitol Hill during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (Associated Press)
Tribune News Service

WASHINGTON – Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch maneuvered deftly through her confirmation hearing Wednesday, pledging to retain her independence and restore some frayed relations on Capitol Hill.

Pressed about Obama administration policies, from immigration to marijuana enforcement, Lynch avoided major sand traps and unexpected commitments as she presented herself as the voice of reason before the 19-member Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I look forward to fostering a new and improved relationship with this committee, the United States Senate, and the entire United States Congress, a relationship based on mutual respect and constitutional balance,” Lynch said.

A 55-year-old native of Greensboro, North Carolina, Lynch currently serves as the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, based in Brooklyn.

With her father, the Rev. Lorenzo Lynch, and other relatives sitting behind her, Lynch attributed her law enforcement strengths to the “tenacity and resolve,” as well as “insight and compassion” she learned from her family.

Lynch cited cybercrime, national security and the targeting of “financial fraudsters” as among her top priorities. She stressed that while she was “not involved” in Obama’s controversial executive action deferring deportation of immigrants, she said under repeated questioning that she found the Justice Department’s legal analysis reasonable.

Flexing her law enforcement muscles, Lynch called the National Security Agency’s electronic surveillance programs “certainly constitutional and effective” and said “the federal narcotics laws will still be enforced” even as states legalize marijuana. In particular, she said she would focus on the “money laundering aspect” of the federal drug laws, and she said she personally does not support legalizing pot.

At times, she emphasized the importance of maintaining an arms-length distance from the president who nominated her.

“The attorney general has a unique responsibility to provide independent and objective advice to the president, or any agency, when it is sought; and sometimes, perhaps, even when it is not sought,” Lynch said.

Often she spoke succinctly, as when she was asked about harsh interrogation techniques authorized during the George W. Bush administration.

“Waterboarding is torture,” Lynch said, “and thus illegal.”

Some senators, she seemingly failed to win over. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, one of her most aggressive questioners, said her answers were “discouraging” and “do not auger well.”

If confirmed, as nonetheless seems certain, Lynch would replace Attorney General Eric Holder, who has served since 2009.