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Sign protest is frightening

Your Jan. 16 front page article (“ ‘Can’t breathe’ sign criticized”) is truly frightening. A group of people wanted to pay their respects for a slain friend, only to be insulted and verbally assaulted for using a phrase associated with other recent deaths. The pagan altar of political correctness is alive and well in the Lilac City. What a shame.

All races must acknowledge the fact that in the public square we are all equal. If we can’t muster the courage to agree to this truism, what is left for us as a unified people? All colors of people – black, brown yellow, white, etc. – must accept the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as a defining principle of our society. No one has a monopoly on language and its use.

In this case, either we stand together in defiance of senseless slaughter or we perish.

Ken Bogdan

Sagle, Idaho

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