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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Store manager bitten by alleged shoplifter

A would-be shoplifter sent a grocery store manager to the hospital when she allegedly bit him after returning several stolen packages of meat. Tabitha S. Brown, 24, also told a responding officer she had MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause abscesses and, more rarely, life-threatening infections. The manager told police he saw Brown leave the Rosauers store at 907 West 14th Ave. on Jan. 10 without paying for a package of shrimp and two steaks. According to court documents, he followed her outside and asked her to return the packages. The manager said she eventually handed him the shrimp, but refused to come inside the store to discuss the theft. When he took her arm and tried to bring her back inside, she bit his arm hard enough to cause bleeding. When police arrived, Brown told an officer she bit the manager because she did not need to come back into the store, since she had already given him back the items she had stolen. Brown was arrested on suspicion of second degree assault for the bite and remains in jail.