Ice fishing parameters vary

The recent cold snap paved the way for ice fishing in the Inland Northwest, although this week’s thaw is cause for caution.
Anglers in this region frequently cross borders to find the perfect fishing hole, making it even more important to check regulations closely.
Fishing rules, licensing and limits may vary from water to water and state to state especially during the winter season. For example:
• Idaho allows winter fishing in most Panhandle lakes, including Cocolalla, Fernan, Hauser, Avondale, Upper Twin and Rose.
• Washington allows winter fishing in its numerous year-round mixed-species fisheries as well as at several winter-only trout lakes such as Hog Canyon and Fourth of July.
• Idaho fishing licenses are issued on a calendar year, so new licenses were required starting Jan. 1.
• Washington fishing licenses purchased in 2014 are valid through March 31.
The number of rods one can fish through the ice also varies depending on the lake as well as the state.
• In most of Idaho, there are no restrictions on the number of holes, but an angler can fish with up to five poles or lines at a time, and up to five hooks per line. The fishing setups must be attended.
• In Washington, anglers may not fish with a rod that’s not under their immediate control, or leave their gear unattended. Anglers are restricted to one rod unless that angler possesses a two pole endorsement and the lake being fished allows two poles.
Winter-only fishing lakes in the Spokane area (Hog Canyon and Fourth of July) allow two poles for those possessing a two-pole endorsement. Other lakes do, too, but not all of them. Check the regulations pamphlet for each lake. Those lakes where two poles are not allowed are marked as such with an emblem showing two crossed fishing poles with the word “NO” above it (all highlighted in yellow).
Size of the hole one can cut in the ice is restricted in most states for safety.
• Idaho restricts anglers to 10 inches or less.
• Washington recommends an 8-inch maximum diameter.
Virtually all of the region’s winter fish can easily be landed through an 8-inch hole.
Ice thickness required for safety varies by conditions. According to Idaho Fish and Game, a minimum of three inches of clear, blue ice (preferably four inches), will support a single angler, and five inches will hold several anglers in single file.
Slush ice is only about half as strong as clear ice. Freeze-thaw cycles and water movement, no matter how slight, retard safe freezing and speeds thawing.