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Cause and effect of crime

As I listen to the sometimes violent protests against police, I have to examine some cause-and-effect issues.

Police are initially called by the public they serve because a crime or other infraction is occurring. The effect is that the police are ready to take action, and when the person does not cooperate or draws or appears to draw a weapon, the police will draw their weapons to protect themselves and citizens.

The media contribute to the unrest by the way they tell the story. To embellish facts to make the story sound more exciting is wrong.

One local broadcaster reported a story regarding a man using a gun against the police and citizens. He was then shot by the police. The report said the “police gunned down the man.” The media need to accept responsibility for being the cause of future violent protests spurred on by their reporting.

As a bottom line, people need to accept responsibility for their actions. When you commit a crime, you need to be prepared to do the time. When you commit a crime and draw a weapon in response to the police arriving, you are likely going to be shot.

Carol Belton


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