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Running club overlooked

It was great reading about the award “The Outstanding Runner Friendly Community” that Spokane recently received. All the groups named in the article are part of why Spokane is such a special running community.

It is wonderful that runners have many options of groups to join all over the city. However, the Bloomsday Road Runners Club (BRRC), the oldest running club in Spokane (in existence since 1978), was not mentioned. It is the club that the RRCA officially awarded this award to.

The BRRC is not the group that puts on Bloomsday (but most members either run or volunteer for that race). However, it is instrumental in many of the other area races such as Spokane marathon/half marathon/10K, St. Paddy’s 5 miler and Sundae Sunday (which is an RRCA regional championship this year), to name just a few.

They also offer free training over the course of the year and just last spring hosted the RRCA national convention on Bloomsday weekend. Besides Bloomsday on the first Sunday in May, they are a big part of why Spokane is an outstanding community the other 364 days of the year.

Dori Whitford


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